The First 90 Days Book Review: A Guide to Successful Transitions

Starting a new job can be both exciting and daunting. You want to make a good impression, learn the ropes, and prove your worth. But how do you navigate those crucial first few months? That’s where Michael D. Watkins’ book, “The First 90 Days: Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter,” comes in. As I mentioned in my pretext, I got this book as a gift from my husband, when I was starting my new role as Public Relations Officer -Digital at City Parking which is a middle management position. Although it was apparent that I was the right girl for the job, I still knew absolutely nothing about parking and had not been on the 8 to 5 watch for some time. This book helped me navigate some corporate landmines and put my personal brand to a successful retest. A confession is it took more than thirty days to finish the read as I was already getting to speed with the actual job. Let’s get into the book review, and take a closer look at what makes this guide so valuable for anyone going through a transition.

About the Author

The author of The First 90 Days, Michael Watkins, is a Leadership and Organisational Change Professor at the prestigious Harvard Business School and has written numerous books about leadership namely Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster, and Your Next Move among many. He brings to his book writing decades of experience in organizational transformations for executive newcomers. In The First 90 Days , Professor Watkins breaks down what new leaders should be focusing on in their initial three months leading an organization.


I would give the book at four and a half stars with just the downside of being too long for someone who is in figuring their way into a new position.


“The First 90 Days” is a comprehensive guide that provides a roadmap for successfully navigating transitions. Whether you’re starting a new job, taking on a new role within your current organization, or leading a major change initiative, this book offers practical advice and strategies for making a smooth transition. It’s based on the idea that the first 90 days are critical for setting the stage for long-term success.

The Importance of Transitions

Transitions are a fact of life in today’s fast-paced business world. Whether it’s due to mergers and acquisitions, leadership changes, or shifting market conditions, organizations are constantly in a state of flux. And with each transition comes the potential for disruption, confusion, and missed opportunities. That’s why it’s so important to have a guide for managing transitions effectively.

The Four Quadrants

One of the key frameworks in “The First 90 Days” is the Four Quadrants model. This model breaks down the different types of transitions into four categories: start-up, turnaround, realignment, and sustaining success. Each quadrant requires a different approach and set of strategies for success. In my case, I was caught between an unwelcome turnaround and an underrated realignment. From Watkins analysis of the four quadrants, these two are the hardest as they entail dealing with an already engraved departmental or organisational culture and trying to justify the need for change without alienating yourself. For me, it also meant going in deep with the staffing knife and going out of my way to re-energise the remaining staff.

The Importance of Listening

One of the most important skills for any leader going through a transition is the ability to listen. Fortunately for me, my first office was next to the reception where most of the activities are derived from. In “The First 90 Days,” Watkins emphasizes the importance of listening to stakeholders, including employees, customers, and partners. By actively seeking out feedback and insights, you can gain a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing your organization.

The Power of Action Plans

Another key element of “The First 90 Days” is the emphasis on action plans. Watkins provides a step-by-step process for creating a comprehensive action plan that addresses key priorities and initiatives. By breaking down your goals into manageable tasks and timelines, you can stay focused and make progress towards your objectives.

The Role of Culture

Culture plays a critical role in any organization, and it’s especially important during times of transition. If I had not read “The First 90 Days” I was going to struggle with fitting into the parking culture. I am a suit and perfume kind of professional- very much invested in futuristic trends of the workplace. One can only imagine how many adjustments I had to make to fit in. The Book highlights the importance of understanding and aligning with the culture of your new organization. By recognizing the values, norms, and behaviours that drive the organization, you can build trust and credibility with your colleagues.

The Importance of Building Relationships

Building relationships is another key element of successful transitions. The book has step by step guidance on how to build effective relationships with key stakeholders, including your boss, peers, and direct reports. Using this guide you can learn how to craft emails and communicate with aim to build trust and rapport, which will work as a foundation for collaboration and teamwork.

The Importance of Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is a critical skill for any leader, but it’s especially important during times of transition. Watkins emphasizes the importance of understanding your own strengths and weaknesses, as well as your leadership style. By being self-aware, you can leverage your strengths and address your weaknesses, and adapt your style to fit the needs of your new organization. In my case, I had to come to terms with the downside of being a result-oriented leader in an organisation where most of the employees have worked their way up from the least recognised roles. I had to learn the hard way that instead of following up on task sheets I should take more time to ensure the tasks are well understood by my subordinates.

The Role of Learning

Finally, learning is a key element of successful transitions. In “The First 90 Days,” Watkins provides guidance on how to learn quickly and effectively, including how to gather information, seek out feedback, and experiment with new approaches. By adopting a learning mindset, you can continuously improve and adapt to the changing needs of your organization.


“The First 90 Days” is an invaluable guide for anyone going through a transition. Whether you’re starting a new job, taking on a new role, or leading a major change initiative, this book provides practical advice based on solid research evidence as well as its multiple case studies used throughout. It can provide leaders with tactical steps they can follow during their first few months within a particular role. If you are thinking of hopping onto your next challenge, consider going through the frameworks and principles outlined in this book.

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