Tackling Workplace Entitlement to Boost Performance and Morale

As a leader at a labour intensive organization in Zimbabwe, I have witnessed firsthand how workplace entitlement can have a negative impact on productivity and morale. Workplace entitlement can take many forms. In this article, I will share my findings on the dangers of workplace entitlement, the signs and causes of this phenomenon, and strategies to tackle it.

Introduction: What is Workplace Entitlement?

Workplace entitlement is when employees believe they are entitled to special treatment or privileges, regardless of their performance or contribution to the company. This can manifest in a variety of ways, such as employees who expect to be promoted simply because they have been with the company for a certain amount of time, or those who feel that they should be exempt from certain rules or policies.Workplace entitlement is a dangerous mindset because it can lead to a lack of accountability and a decrease in productivity.

Causes of Workplace Entitlement

There are several factors that can contribute to workplace entitlement. These include:

  • A lack of clear expectations or performance goals
  • A failure to recognize employees who go above and beyond their job duties
  • A lack of consequences for employees who do not meet performance expectations or violate company policies.
  • A culture of favoritism or nepotism.
  • A lack of communication or transparency about company policies and expectations.

Signs of Workplace Entitlement

There are several signs of workplace entitlement that managers should be aware of. These include:

  • Employees who are resistant to feedback or constructive criticism.
  • Employees who are consistently late or absent without a valid reason.
  • Employees who believe that they should be exempt from certain policies or rules.
  • Employees who expect to be promoted or receive a salary increase without putting in the necessary effort or meeting performance goals.
  • Employees who are unwilling to take on additional responsibilities or help their colleagues.
  • Employees who are only willing to participate in extra activities for benefits such as allowances and overtime.

Strategies to Tackle Workplace Entitlement

There are several strategies that managers can use to tackle workplace entitlement: These include setting clear expectations and goals; Recognising and rewarding good performance; Enforcing consequences for poor performance or policy violations; and Promoting a culture of transparency and communication. All these strategies will help in creating a sense of transparency and accountability.

The Importance of Communication in Addressing Workplace Entitlement

When employees feel that they are part of a transparent and communicative workplace culture, they are more likely to be motivated and engaged in their work. It is important to communicate clearly with employees about what is expected of them and to provide regular feedback and constructive criticism.

The Role of Management in Curbing Workplace Entitlement

Managers should promote a culture of accountability and transparency. Promoting a culture of accountability in the workplace is essential for curbing workplace entitlement and boosting productivity. When employees are motivated and engaged in their work, they are more likely to meet their performance goals and contribute to the company’s overall success.

Conclusion: The Importance of Addressing Workplace Entitlement

In conclusion, workplace entitlement is a dangerous mindset that can have a negative impact on productivity and morale. It is important for managers to recognize the signs and causes of workplace entitlement, and to implement strategies to tackle it. By promoting a culture of accountability and transparency, managers can create a positive work environment that is conducive to productivity and success. As a team leader, I often take a closer look at my department’s culture and identify any signs of entitlement. By calling out entitlement, I find my team naturally realigning to create a more productive and accountable workplace that benefits everyone involved.

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